
French Horn Studies & Etudes

Because the french horn has a much wider range than most other brass instruments, etudes and songs referenced on this webpage can be augmented by exploring the low brass and the trumpet pages.

Try to practice at least half an hour each day on average.

For the Practice Evaluation, each column represents a practice session. The following represents the rows on the sheet.

Mouthpiece Etudes: 2 minutes. We want dialog, sirens, and long tones. Try to sustain very high notes.

Harmonic series. There are two sets of these:


Thrills of Trills: There are two music systems per page, each with 6 staves of music. Practice one system each day (six exercises). The actual notes played are not important. The finger combinations are the purpose.

Scaleworks: There are 12 major scales, each with 22 exercises. Look at the Scaleworks Plan.

    • Each row represents one of the sets of exercises for a particular scale.
    • Each column represents one of the exercises for each scale.
    • Each cell represents a scale/exercise pair.
    • Practice at least two scale/exercise pairs each day.
    • Try to play these faster and faster over the summer. Ideally, try to get to mm. ♩ = 288 for exercises 1-4 and mm. ♩ = 144 for the rest of them. However, don’t play any faster than you can play them perfectly.

NB: mm means metronome marking. mm ♩ = 144 means to fit 144 ♩ in one minute of time. If ♩ = 60, each ♩ is one second long.

It is important that students warm up (at least 15 minutes) before their lesson.

Please also be sure the instrument is properly oiled so we don’t lose time getting the instrument to work properly.

Students should have a three-ring binder devoted to the material they will use in their studies and are expected to bring it to their lessons.

These are used to keep track of daily practice and specify weekly assignments. Students should have a blank one available for every lesson. These are double sided PDFs, so if you print double-sided, one page will work for two lessons.

Lesson Cancellations and Makeups

There are two sets of fingering charts: one for the single horn in F and one for the double horn in F with Bâ™­ extension.

Basic Scales
  • Scale Etudes

    All twelve major scales and some alternates are systematically explored in these etudes. Print these double-sided. Each scale is 4 pages ( 2 sheets double-sided).

  • Major Scales

    12 Major scales in Circle of Fifths order.

  • Scale Practice

    Spreadsheet PDF self-study schedule for learning the Scale Etudes

Technical Etude from some collection of etudes.

Audio no ornaments
Audio with ornaments

Technical Etude from some collection of etudes. This is transposed to a lower key than the original.

These songs are without accompaniment. For arrangements with accompaniment see Trumpet Solos and Combos on the Repertoire page.


Four Songs – Easy

American Folk Tunes (std)